Press Release

JERA’s Financial Position after Integration of Shareholders’ Domestic Thermal Power Generation Business

JERA Co., Inc. (“JERA”), TEPCO Fuel & Power, Inc. (“TEPCO FP”) and Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (“Chubu”) today announce a summary of JERA’s planned financial position after the “Step 3” integration in JERA of the existing domestic thermal power generation businesses of JERA’s shareholders TEPCO FP and Chubu, in accordance with the 27 February 2018 agreement between TEPCO FP and Chubu. JERA will prepare its post-integration business plan prior to the integration, which will take place in April 2019.

By succeeding to and integrating the existing domestic thermal power generation businesses of its shareholders, JERA will unify the full energy value chain, from upstream fuel project investment and procurement, through power generation and wholesaling of electricity and gas. JERA will seek growth in profit not only by utilizing the strength of its Business Development, Sales & Procurement and O&M functions across the value chain, but also through optimization of the synergies among these functions. Through these activities, JERA’s consolidated net profit is expected to grow to approximately 200 billion yen in FY 2025.

Going forward, JERA will continue to establish itself as a global energy company which is competitive worldwide in the supply of power and energy, and will further enhance the corporate value of the TEPCO Group and Chubu Group.

Attachment: JERA’s Financial Position after Integration of Shareholders’ Domestic Thermal Power Generation Business