Press Release

Goi Thermal Power Station Replacement Plan Obtains Acknowledgement Notice Concerning Environmental Impact Statement

JERA Co., Inc. ("JERA") is moving forward with replacing aging equipment at thermal power plants in Japan with state-of-the art, high efficiency equipment. These replacements will help JERA to achieve its goal of delivering a globally competitive supply of energy, and contributing to a low carbon society.

Today, JERA received an Acknowledgement Notice from the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry concerning the Environmental Impact Statement1 for the Goi Thermal Power Station Replacement Plan (the “EIS”). This acknowledgement notice confirms that no changes are required to the EIS that was submitted for review on 12 March 2018, in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Law and Electricity Business Act, to the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.

As a result, JERA will now, in accordance with the Electricity Business Act, transmit the EIS to the governor of Chiba Prefecture and to the mayors of the cities of Ichihara, Chiba, and Sodegaura.

The EIS will be made available for public review from 24 April through 30 May at the related administrative agencies listed in Attachment 2 as well as through the JERA website.

JERA will continue to move the project forward with the understanding of the local community and other parties concerned.